Happy New Year!
It's the last day of 2006, and it doesn't look like this little cutie will arrive until 2007!
I was in the hospital most of the afternoon on Friday, and I had a barrage of tests. I had one more ultrasound to check the baby's lungs, heart, and amniotic fluid level. (all were just fine.)
I am still dialted only one centimeter. Had I been dialated any more, I would have been induced on Friday. Instead, I am hanging out with my puffy feet up, just trying to make it through until Tuesday. I am hoping they induce me at that appointment, but I will just have to wait and see. If I get induced that day, I may just have the baby on Dan's birthday! (Jan 3rd.) That would be good! I think that would be the best birthday present ever.
Brian and Erin and Erik are here for the holiday! It's been so nice. Erin spent the last two days cooking meals for us and freezing them for when the baby comes!! It's the absolute nicest thing she could have done! She's a sweetheart.
I'm napping all of the time, because I'm not really sleeping at night. I'm always in that dream portion of sleep. I wake up all the time, and I'm up to pee every hour or so. How can you get any sleep like that? So, I'm tired during the day, too. I am able to nap since it's the weekend, but I'll have to get back on a regular scheule on Tuesday if this baby doesn't come then...
Tonight we will be laying low and having some fun. I have sparkling juice for me, and lots of fun cocktails for everyone else. I know it will be nice.
Wish me luck. I feel like I'm going to split in two!