Four years and counting...: July 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's Thursday!

It's getting to be that time... end of the month. It's always stressful, just trying to make sure we meet our goals and everything. I'm hoping we do... we are very close.
Dan's family is coming to visit this weekend. It should be fun. Hopefully there will not be much drama to accompany the visit.
We are starting to decorate the nursery. Although it's early, we are really excited about the prospect of decorating another room in the house. We love to decorate! We received a crib from the lady across the street (Two, actually), and we have an armoire at Dan's Parents house we are going to make into a baby armoire. That is going to be a fun and gorgeous project!
We picked a theme of these enchanted frogs, ducks, and dragonflies. It's cuter than it sounds. The frogs have little crowns on them. :) It's all greens and yellows, so we will have a very neutral room in preparation for the next baby. (Not now, but whenever it happens, I don't want to buy all new stuff...) I'm excited to work on the project, even though it is mostly planning now.
We'll move that guest bed into the basement so we have room for all of the guests who will be coming after the baby is born.
Since we are due in January, everyone is already picking on me about the tax deduction. "Go for a bumpy car ride on the 26th! Get that deduction while you can!!" I'm surprised about this, although it is a little funny.
I'll be glad when I can relax for a little while this weekend. I have some good books I want to read (I finally got a Fistful of Charms from the library and I'm dying to crack that open!)
Have a great Thursday, and a lovely weekend if I don't post.
I can't wait for week 16!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

15 and feeling good

I can't believe it's been a whole week since my last post. I'll try to sum up:
Last week was a rough one, work wise. Now, things have smoothed out some, and I am feeling good.
We went to St. Paul for Emilie's bridal shower. Dan didn't get off work until about 8:30pm on Friday, so it was a long trip to Wausau that night, and a long trip to St. Paul in the morning. It's too far! The shower was nice, though. It was great to see the family. Then, we spent Saturday with Brian, Erin, Erik, and Mom, and Greta.
Sunday was spent driving through MN, through WI, to IL. It's a LONG DRIVE for a pregnant lady.
Last night, Dan suggested we go to the beach. We took a picnic, and went to Lake Michigan for a nice little picnic, and wading in the water. The Park information said the water was 70 degrees, but there is no way that could be correct. It had to be 65 degrees or something frigid like that. It was still very relaxing and fun. As a surprise, Dan took me to the local drive in for an ice cream on the way home. It was fun.
The rest of this week is pretty busy, but everything seems to be going well.
Oh, yes, and the budda is getting bigger. I am thankful for elastic and maternity pants.
Drop me a line if you have the time today.
Anyone out there? Helloooo?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Number 14. yay.

On the Baby W front, I am very glad it is week 14. I had a really nice swim at the pool yesterday, and I would love to go again later this week. I am a little sore (I swam laps for 30 minutes) so I might wait till tomorrow, but I sure could use the stress releif today.
I had a stressful work day today. Since this is a blog, I can't really say anything about it. I am just glad the day will be over in 30 minutes. Calgon, take me away.
I wish I had better or more fun news for this post. I'll be more cheery tomorrow. I promise.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Happy Weekend

We went downtown (to Chinatown!) this weekend for Dim Sum with Peter. Imagine our surprise when the Chinatown Summer Festival was on this one very special day! HOW COOL! Dim sum was great, then we walked around in the 100 degree heat, listening to cool bands and buying lucky bamboo from China. (Kari- this Bamboo's for you!) I would never have been able to handle the hot sun and heat were it not for the lovely intervention and purchase of a beautiful paper umbrella from my dear husaband. I walked around in style, and semi- comfort. It was a wonderful festival to happen upon. I only wish we had brought the camera. There was a dragon in the parade- I always wanted to see one of those! All in all, a fabulous day.
On the baby front, it is 14 weeks tomorrow. The belly is getting bigger, and we had to go and purchase some more clothes and shorts. I ordered some more stuff on Old Navy as well, but that stuff is always hit or miss. I hope I will like it. I even bought a swimsuit! Yes! I can't wait to jump in a pool. I may actually go to the community pool for a swim a couple of nights this week. It's only 5 bucks, and I know I would really love the swim and exercise. I walk the dog every day, but it's just not enough.
My current grad school class is done. WAHOO! My next two classes are finance classes, which I dread like the plague. I hope I am able to get through them with the pregnancy brain.
More soon. Happy July 17th everybody.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

super long survey

Enjoy the tidbits about me.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Chicago Manager for my current company
2. Logistics- Schneider National
3. Victoria's Secret (gotta love retail)
4. Manager Attitudes clothing store- Great America

Four Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Amelie (all time best movie ever made)
2. Any of the Harry Potter Movies
3. O Brother Where Art Thou
4. The Mummy/ Mummy Returns. (I love the ancient Egypt crap.)
5. Shaun of the Dead (So funny and awesome. So it's five. Sue me.)

Four Places I have lived (in recent order):
1. Grayslake, IL
2. Green Bay, WI
3.Kenosha, WI
4. Caen, France

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Gilmore Girls ( although I missed the season finale. Anyone have it on tape?)
2. Good Eats
3. Project Runway
4. Dr. 90210

Four places I've been on vacation (in recent order):
1. St. Kitts, West Indies
2. San Francisco, CA
3. Key Largo, FL
4. Paris, France

Four Web sites I visit daily:
1. (I love her. She effin rocks.)
4. (i love trashy internet hollywood gossip)

Four of my favorite foods:
1. SUSHI (hands down, my very favorite
2. FRUIT (I can't get enough, any kind, bring it on)
3. Fresh Snow Crab Legs
4. and the ultimate. FRESH FRENCH BREAD!!! from France of course. Ours sucks.

I could do a whole French list. That would include
1. Panini
2. Pain au Chocolat
3. French bread
4. South Tunisien bakery Awesome Sweets from the 5th arr. in Paris. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.

Four Places I'd rather be right now:
1. With Dan, doesn't matter where.
2. With Dan in Paris
3. With Dan in the City shopping
4. With Dan at the symphony in Millenium Park. (I only have to wait until Saturday for this one.)

If anyone wants to send me their responses, have at it.
Tonight is my final class for Grad School. (Just this quad, don't get too excited.)
Wish me luck. Big presentation.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Okey Dokey

Everything at the appointment last night went very well. Dan was able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. :)
I was surprised how short these appointments are, but el doctore said if there anr not any problems, we are in and out of there quick. I'm all for it.
I am contemplating telling the people who work for me today. How do you break that to people? Maybe I'll look up tips on how to do that on the web.
Have a lovely Wednesday, everybody.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Yay! 13!!!

I am so excited for the Dr.'s appointment today. Dan is taking of work a little early, and meeting me at the Doctor's office. He should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time today. I hope and pray everything goes well, but judging by the size of my bump, I think it already is. :)
Grad school ends this Thursday. (Just this class; I wish I was graduating now!) We have a big group meeting tonight, to go over our final presentation. We better get an A. Seriously. I have a 4.0 so far, but I have statistics and accounting next semester. Pray for me. :) I'm no math genius.
We had a fun night last night- Dan and I went out for Thai food, and then went shopping to three stores. Afterwards, I was really tired, and went straight to bed, but it was fun to get out for a little while.
Dan is almost done with the Garage. He repainted, organized, and is putting up a cabinet tonight. He'll be so pleased when it is finally complete- he has been working on it for weeks during his free time...
Wish me luck today. I'll post the findings from my appointment. I hope they are all good.
Much love, M.

Monday, July 10, 2006

tomorrow is thirteen.

I am so happy to be reaching 13 weeks. It's pretty exciting to see my baby bump grow. (even if it does mean buying new pants.) I am going to have to empty my closet of everything that does not fit. For the first time, I will actually have room for new stuff in my closet. How exciting is that?
We are probably going to begin looking at furniture for the baby's room. After having our friends Pete and Kari and their daughter Sophia here this weekend, I have discovered that our chairs downstairs are perfect for feeding a child. I'll bring one of those into the baby's room, and decorate with white furniture. (just a cheap, but easy to operate baby crib and open design changing table. I am not looking for a 900 dollar crib. What are they thinking? A baby would be fine in a moses basket for the first few months, anyway.)
What do you do with all of the furniture currently in that room? We may make a mini-suite in the basement for the guests that will be coming once the baby arrives. Who knows? Anyone coming to visit? You'd have your own bathroom...
Much to do today. I have so much to send out, a trip to the post office is inevetable. Joanne, the soap I made for the girls is finally on it's way. Kari, diper bags are coming. Emilie, you don't have the address to this blog, but your stuff is coming, too.
Happy Monday, everyone.
Tomorrow is my next Dr.'s appointment. Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

One more thing...

I have left this blog open for comments. Feel free to say hi when you stop by!

Second Trimester, here I come!

I know it's been a while. We've been to WI for the 4th of July, came back home, and although it is only Thursday, it feels like I have had a week full of Mondays already here. WHEW! I am tired!
Tonight is the second to last class for grad school. I have had a screaming headache all day, and considered not going, but I called my doctor and they said I could take one tylenol. So, this is the first over the counter medicine I have taken since discovering I was pg. It really is helping. Thank you sweet Jesus for the tylenol.
I am feeling much better most of the time. Not so much nausea! But, my belly kind of popped last weekend, so I had to go and buy some pregnancy clothes for work. I found some cute stuff. I did a lot of shopping last night, which I would have never been able to do earlier in my pregnancy. I bought a maternity suit, some maternity nylons, pants (2 pair) and two shirts.
I have a baby bump! Crazy stuff.
Much to do, and less than an hour to get it finished in.
More soon!

Pregnancy Tickers from