Four years and counting...: October 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Ok, first $$ spent...

Day 2, and we are doing pretty well. We ate leftovers for Lunch, and I packed Dan a nice dinner. I'll be making some Tortilla soup for us from things I purchased last week, so we will have a few more meals there.
I broke down and spent 2.95 on shipping for a Christmas present today. Truth be told, I had a gift certificate for the rest (from a return) but I still had to spend the money to get it shipped here. I didn't want the certificate to expire, so I used it, even though I am in the no spending zone. I'm not going to feel too bad, it was less than a latte at Starbucks.

Money spent so far $2.95.

It's gorgeous here, so Henry and I are going to go for a walk when he gets up in 15 minutes. I can't wait to enjoy the nice weather while it is still here.
Oh, and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 1- We made it. 19 more to go.

I had some time this evening to try two new recipes- animal crackers for Henry, and Auntie Anne's pretzels for us. They both turned out AMAZING! I needed to use up some yeast (hence the pretzels), and the crackers were so Henry does not run out without me having to buy any. The recipe was here:
I just cut them into circles (big and little) to save time. Henry loved them.
After all of this cooking, I had to do two loads of dishes, so I am burning through the dish detergent fast. I know I will need more of that before the week is through.
We also have a party to attend this weekend, so we may end up buying a beverage or two there...I'll keep you posted.
In case you are wondering, here are some of the sites I read often, They are a big reason I am trying this 20 days of frugality. Many of the great ideas i am trying I get here:

Total spent after day one $0 (Yay!)

Day 1- the beginning...

I made some of the recipes I pulled from Oprah's website today. They were using roast Chickens to make several meals. Today I made the Chicken with Basil pesto and Farfalle pasta. It was amazing, and it left enough home-made pesto for making this again 4 more times. Dan loved it, which was quite the success.
I have a kitchen full of dishes, that I will clean while Henry eats lunch.
Money spent thus far: $0.

This says it better than I did

From One Bag Nation:
Blog Action Day: Reflecting on Affluence & Clutter
Posted by: onebagnation on: October 14, 2008

In: Uncategorized 2 Comments
Today is Blog Action Day 2008, and many thousands of bloggers all around the world will be writing about this year’s topic: poverty. I guess I’ve sort of turned the topic around here at One Bag Nation, as my post title suggests.

An enormous number of bloggers and websites are devoted to decluttering, simplifying and downsizing. It seems that many of us are overwhelmed by our stuff, so much so that it feels suffocating and paralyzing and interferes with daily life. We get to a place where we can’t stand it anymore, and the Great Decluttering begins. We have so much stuff we can throw it away!

Today, on Blog Action Day, I’m reflecting on this excess we call clutter - and reminding myself that clutter is a luxury; clutter comes with affluence; and ironically, for some, clutter tries to meet a need that stuff can never meet.

Those whose unmet needs are much more basic - clean water, adequate food, and shelter - to name a few, can’t even imagine having too much, just as it’s nearly impossible for me to imagine not knowing if I’ll have enough food for my family today.

Stress and anxiety about too much stuff seems obscene in the context of dire poverty and need, yet our stress and anxiety are real, and the consumerism that dominates our culture does nothing to help us gain perspective.

The simplicity movement gives me hope that we are waking up to another way of living, where joy and satisfaction come from what we do and whom we love and not from what we own.

Something New...

With the crap state of the economy, and a new sewer line bill paid to the city here, we are feeling the pinch of expenses and seeing a nice bite taken out of our Emergency fund. This does not address the many thousands we have recently lost on our Roth IRA, and we are not even looking at the losses in our 401K.
So, what's a girl to do?
For the next 20 days, I am going to try to spend money on nothing. That's right, you heard me, NADA.
Now, there will be some things I will need, milk for Henry, his yogurt, and emergency items. Gas to and from work will also be included. Other than that, I am going to try to live off of the items in our pantry, freezer, and home.
Entertainment? Free stuff. Library. Childrens museum. (We already have a membership.) Finish some craft projects we already have here.
Food? Eat the stuff in the house.
Shopping? None. I'm really going to try.
I'll post on my progress, and hopefully I will manage to save some dough in the process.
Frugality, here I come.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have been wanting to read this book for a while. I talked to Dan, and I finally broke down and bought it.

I think it is going to be really great!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I had the biopsy today. It involved a long wait in a room alone where I was very weepy, two novicane injections, four syringes scraped and shoved in and out of my thyroid about 30 times each, and a band aid for my neck.
What can I say? The stress of it all made me BREAK OUT, but I am OK and glad it is done.
Xo. Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, I went in for my 6 month checkup on my thyroid, and they found it quite swollen. They also found a nodule on the left side.
I have to get a biopsy.
I'll keep you posted.

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