Four years and counting...: November 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Holy Crap! DAY 20!!

I know. The experiment is over. Why post about it now? Well, I thought I would bring you up to speed.
I got behind on my receipts, but let me say I did stick to the essentials. I did not shop just for the sake of shopping, and I figure I spent about 500 dollars less than the month before. I made do, and did without whenever I could.
Was it a good exercise? YES. Did I think more about my purchases? For sure.
I'm going to do this again, but after the holiday for sure. It's just too tough right now to keep my work head above water AND do this.
I have to say, it was fun. Till I fell off the wagon. :) The posting wagon, that is.
I even went to CHICAGO and spent no money, except for food and lodging. I have never ever done that before.
What are the items I am going to buy after the fugality is over??
1. Fly lady duster. (
I'll be on the lookout for an electric WOK (can't use our real one on the electric flat top stove here)
That's it. I'm amazed.
Ok, I have to go get Henry up.
Also, I may start posting about all of the lovely crafts I am making for Christmas presents. I'm really excited with the ideas I have come up with this year. It's going to be even better than last year!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Holy Crap, DAY12!

So, I have not been posting. There has been a lot going on!
I have to gather all of my receipts and own up to the huge grocery shopping trip and the Sam's trip to restock our house with food. I'll get to those soon, and update with numbers, though I'm sure my average has gone up quite a bit!
We did buy Henry a Melissa and Doug toy as a sort of "yay! your mommie does not have cancer" present. It was Dan's idea, and I'm not adding it into the daily totals because I am SLY like that.
Today, I called oout phone, internet and Cable providers, and was able to upgrade to a better HD package for 20 bucks less than we are paying now, and dropped all of our phone services to save a TON on that bill. (BTW, if you are calling me and there is a busy signal, call on my cell. We kissed call waiting good bye to save a buck or two.)
Our combined bill was slashed by over 60 bucks a month. Total saving for the next calendar year will be $734.54 over our previous cost! YEAH!!! I talked to the first person to try and lower the cable bill, and they could not help, but transferred me to someone who could. I will have full HD service with more channels and free movie channels for 3 months for 34 bucks with a 2 TV DVR!!! I have to say, at that price, it is totally worth it to me! (We were paying around 53 bucks a month.)
I'm going to work on Auto insurace and cell phone bills next, but I am hoping I can make changes to save that will not hurt us too much.
I'll try to hunt down all of my receipts and post. We've been staying out of just about every store (except thrift stores for Henry essentials like pants and shirt that fit him now- 3T! He's HUGE!!!)
I'm working more, which I hope will eventually pump money back into the emergency account. We'll wait, hope, and pray that happens.
More soon.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

I love Target.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Good News! (and day 8)

My Dr. Called this morning, and the preliminary results are that I have Hashimoto's Tyhrioditis.
I never have been so happy to be diagnosed with a disease!
We'll have complete results on Monday, but so far, so good.
I'm not really ready to put into words how this feels. More soon.
As for the 20 days? We're doing well. But we have to spend some cash today.
Yesterday we walked to the library, and other than gas for work, I didn't buy anything. Total for the day: $0.

That brings the grand total to: $157.51
Price per day:19.68

(This price will get totally jacked up today with all of the things we have to buy. As a sidenote, I have found myself picking things up in stores, and putting them back, due to this challenge. I know we're saving money. Even though after today it may not look like it!)
Did I tell you I have been doing my own manicures and pedicures? I'm saving at least 40 bucks each time. When we were in Chicago, I had at least one mani pedi a month. That's over 500 dollars a year!! The last one I had was for Mothers day. Maybe I'll get one for my birthday!?!! I have been using a buffer I already had for my nails, and they are nice and shiny. This is important as every new mom knows when you wash your hads 350 times a day, nail polish does not stay put!
Now, I need some new undergarments. (sorry if this is TMI, but you must want to know if you are reading my blog) I need to just throw out almost everything I have and start over. The type I like the best are on sale today and tomorrow for about 50% off. Although I am being frugal, to walk away from that savings just because I am trying to spend money is crazy. (Only because I am going to buy them either way...) So, I'll buy the bras and panties I need, and post with prices, though it's going to make my per day cost go through the roof!
We also need some grocery items, and we're going to the thrift store. Brace yourselves. It's going to be MONEY MONEY MONEY today.
I'm so glad I have some of the weight off of my shoulders for the weekend. I was going to start drinking heavily. (I kid! I kid!)
I have also started making a list of the items I am not purchaasing, but know they are "wants". At the end of the 20 days, if I still want them as much as now, I am going to go ahead and buy them. He're's what I am wisting for:

A Fly Lady Feather duster
refill buffing chamois for my manicure kit
donate ruined hand towels and bath towels and replace with new (hopefully cheap but nice quality from TJ MAxx)

(Note to self: Do not let anyone help you with laundry. Especially your very sweet and awesome but laundry misguided MIL. If you do, they might put your WHITE towels in with the dark loads. Then, you will have lovely blue-grey towels where your white towels used to be. Hrmmm. Better buy colored towels next time.)

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Day 7?

I had a busy day- went on appointments, fixed the car, and did some necessary shopping. (We needed milk, bisquick, flour, some of my thyroid meds, cheerios, and some vitamins.) The total of the trip to Wally world was 46.95. I kept picking things up, and putting them back. It's amazing what I would have come home with (items on clearance I didn't need) if I wasn't really watching...

Total today : 46.95
7 Day total: 157.51
Daily total: 22.50

I think I am going to try to keep the running total under 20 bucks a day...It's going to be tough to get that number back down, but I'm going to try! (The extra 25.01 in medicines today really hit me hard, but I didn't exclude them in the beginning, so I'm leaving those charges in. The 400 bucks I spent fixing the car will remain out, thank you very much.)

I also would like to report I have no test results, and my Dr. is off tomorrow, so I won't know anything until Monday. I asked for Valium (no joke) to help with the anxiety, but he wouldn't give it to me. Instead, I'm having at least one glass of wine a night. It WILL help take the edge off.

Too funny.

Dan and I saw this on TV last night while watching the BBC version of kitchen nightmares.
We had to rewind it three times to laugh more. It was a nice little break.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day 6...

We're doing well. I am back from the biopsy, and glad it is over. It hurt much more this time, but they were also trying to get a lot of tissue for the pathology. The samples are going to the same hospital in Milwaukee my dad was in when he had cancer. Wierd.
So, spending today was also under control. Dan promsed to take me to my favorite thrift store in Green Bay if I went to these tests. (like I wasn't going to go, but very sweet.) I found three shirts, one pair of pj pants, and 4 books for Henry!

Total Spent: 8.97
Total thus far:110.56
Average per day: 18.42

Tomorrow we will have to spend some money fixing the car. It's making this pulsing noise, and we're going to have to take care of it before it gets worse. I think I am not going to include that in my total as it's not optional spending, and it falls under the car/gas rule I set out in the beginning. I hope it's not too expensive!

More soon!

Well, a lot can happen in one day.

So, I guess I usually don't post too much about my political views on here, but I would just like to say I am sure yesterday was a monumental day for more people than just me. My reasons are many. I'll explain.
Yesterday I received a call directly from my doctor with my results. When the Doctor calls instead of his nurse, it's not a good sign.
I'm getting another biopsy today. I have one of the following two things:
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or Thyroid Lymphoma.
Yep, it could be cancer.
But, it might also not be. This Thyroiditis is not a very big deal I guess. So, let's pray for that.
Brett came up to spend the day with me (Thanks, sweetie, I love you.) It was so great to have him here! He talked with me, cooked with me, and had a glass of wine to pass the time while Dan was still at work. It helped me to stay calm. (I was freaking out when I first heard the results.)
Now, I'm back to my Zen like state I was in before where I know worry does not help, it is only wasted energy. Hey, I'm sticking with that story.
If this is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, I won't have to do anything. I am already on Synthroid, so the treatment will be more of the same.
If this is Lymphoma, I will have to have surgery to remove half of my thyroid, and have radiation on the other half. I'll be a cancer survivor! I hope I don't have to go down that road, but if I do, I'll beat this thing. You can bet your sweet ass I will.
The rest of the night was not spent worrying. I made the biggest batch of my grandmother's kluske! It was HUGE! It took hours. But, I felt so much better after I was done cooking. Cooking is such a release for me. I was full of good endorphins by the time I was done.
Then, we spent the rest of the evening together, (Dan got home at about 9:45) and we were watching at exactly 10pm when they called the election, and announced our new preseident elect.
I feel like we all experienced a part of history last night. Wherever you are on the political scale, it's amazing! Two years ago when Henry was born, I was discussing Obama with my stepfather, and I said I thought he would be president. He had his doubts.
I was right.
I hope he is safe, and I wish him help and guidance. He has his work cut out for him.
I hope the biopsy today goes well, and I hope I have news by the end of the week.Maybe I can talk the doctor into giving me a valium. Hey, it's worth a shot.
Love, blessings, and good heath to you all.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Day 5?

How can I lose count already? I think it's five.
Anyway, we had to make some purchases, but I'll show you how they are not going to count towards the total...
We had some items we needed at Menards (clips so we could re-install roller shades- more on that later, laundry detergent that was on sale, dimmers for our very bright living room lights, locks for the drawers in the kitchen, etc.) We had two items to return (17.81 in credit) and we also found two other credit vouchers we didn't realize we still had (about 50.00 total) and one rebate check for 2 bucks.
So, we did spend 33.86 on essentials for the house, but since all of this was from a refund credit we already had, I'm not going to count this towards the total. I hope that's ok with everyone, but since it's my little game, I make the rules, and that doesn't count. (Ha!)
Also, I'd like to give a little shout out to the a-holes at Babies R Us. I guess even a receipt there will not get you a refund on unopened items after 90 days. Guess I'm not going to be shopping there any time soon!
Also, on the shade story, I wanted to elaborate on the reason why the shades are so important. When we were at Dan's holiday party on Saturday, several of his employees commented about how our house was so beautiful, and they LOVED the toile wallpaper in our dining room. ummmm, WTF?!!?!?!?! They know where we live, and are driving by and looking in the windows!??!!!
Um, one set of blinds for the frone of the house, STAT! Dan will be installing them tonight, thank you very much, :)
Total Day 5: $0. (Due to the credit and no out of pocket costs.)
Five day average: $20.32

Final thought, my dear friend J gave me a link to a website where a lady spends 20 bucks a day I think...I'll check it out and link it up if I like it.
XO, M.

The Secret?

Blogger just erased. my. whole. post.
It was a good one too.
Henry is waking up. Here was the gist.
I read the secret. Did not like it.
Told JP I wanted an I pod. Won one at Dan's party.
I think it has nothing to do with the secret.
But, I am now wishing for a skinny ass and thighs. Universe, make it two in a row!

Sunday, November 02, 2008


We were planning on going to the city for groceries, but after feeling tired, and wanting to save on gas and time, we decided I would venture alone to the local (but more expensive) grocery store.
I stuck to my list except for a 10.49 pkg of sale diapers (17 cents each is a good deal)and a bag of grapefruit. (Also on sale for 2.89- good for 5 lbs)
The grand total for my shopping was 55.44. We usually spend about 130.00 a week, so I thought this was pretty good!
I was thinking of renting a movie, but I figure we'll watch something else and save thr dough.
Day 4 total: 55.44
Total thus far: 101.59
Price per day: 25.39 (This number looks dismal. I'll get this down!)
Now, I am baking cookies tonight for Dan's crew and hopefully making Kluske.
On to day 5....

Day 3 and 4...

We had a great time at the party on Saturday. I'll give you a run down of the whole day, and the expenses incurred:
Dan's mom and I went to the thrift store, and bought me a VINTAGE! FRENCH!! winter coat, clothes for both Dan and I, a car for Henry, and spent 33 dollars. More than I wanted to spend, but good purchases that will save us money in the end.
Then, we went to the Children's museum, and since we have a membership, we only paid for parking. ($1.20 in a meter)
Then, we went to the party for Dan's work. We had a great time, and we won an I Pod touch!!!! (They are like 300 bucks! Amazing!) So, to celebrate, we had 3 beers.
Total cost, 9 bucks.

Total for day 3: $43.20
Total so far: 46.15 (Average per day $15.38)

Day 4 has been spent cooking since 6:30 this morning! I roasted a pumpkin and an acorn squash, made apple cinnamon pankes for the family this morning, made chicken pot pie, chicken stock, tortilla chicken soup, and cut up three HUGE cabbages for the recipes this week. I'm tired! I'm going to take a little break and read Twilight while Henry sleeps. Then, it is back to the grindstone making Kluske(home made noodles with cabbage and butter)and off to the grocery store for provisions. I think we should be able to keep our purchases around 30 dollars, but it will depend on what types of items we decide we need. I'll let you know how it goes.
Total spent so far today: $0. :)
More later!

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