Four years and counting...: Day 3 and 4...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Day 3 and 4...

We had a great time at the party on Saturday. I'll give you a run down of the whole day, and the expenses incurred:
Dan's mom and I went to the thrift store, and bought me a VINTAGE! FRENCH!! winter coat, clothes for both Dan and I, a car for Henry, and spent 33 dollars. More than I wanted to spend, but good purchases that will save us money in the end.
Then, we went to the Children's museum, and since we have a membership, we only paid for parking. ($1.20 in a meter)
Then, we went to the party for Dan's work. We had a great time, and we won an I Pod touch!!!! (They are like 300 bucks! Amazing!) So, to celebrate, we had 3 beers.
Total cost, 9 bucks.

Total for day 3: $43.20
Total so far: 46.15 (Average per day $15.38)

Day 4 has been spent cooking since 6:30 this morning! I roasted a pumpkin and an acorn squash, made apple cinnamon pankes for the family this morning, made chicken pot pie, chicken stock, tortilla chicken soup, and cut up three HUGE cabbages for the recipes this week. I'm tired! I'm going to take a little break and read Twilight while Henry sleeps. Then, it is back to the grindstone making Kluske(home made noodles with cabbage and butter)and off to the grocery store for provisions. I think we should be able to keep our purchases around 30 dollars, but it will depend on what types of items we decide we need. I'll let you know how it goes.
Total spent so far today: $0. :)
More later!


At Sun Nov 02, 01:07:00 PM , Blogger JP said...

Congrats! You finally got your iPod!

At Sun Nov 02, 10:15:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 4 Sounded like fun, I bet it would lots of fun to cook together. We could pretend we are hosting our own show on food network. I bet P would enjoy that as well... hmm maybe we should plan something..

Oh and AWESOME on the coat!!!


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