Four years and counting...: August 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Primal Scream

So, I'm having some problems with the same installation from work I can not get straightened out. It stinks- if something can go wrong for this customer, it does. It makes me look bad, though I am doing everything I can to make it right. Grrrrr.
Henry is having a really hard day, I think he is just still sick and not getting over it very well.
He is doing well- we just started the toy library (have to put one toy back before you can get another out) and that is going remarkably well.
I am really excited to see some members of Dan's family for the funeral for his Aunt this weekend. It will be nice to catch up with them- most I have not seem since Henry's baby shower 3 years ago.
I need to make it through the day with a little style and a little class. Give me the strngth to make it happen, lord.
I promise I will post belly pics soon. Like, at least by the time the baby is born.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

So, Monday I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. What does this mean? I need to watch everything I put into my mouth, eat exactly what the dr. says, and eat and test exactly when they tell me to. Not fun, but if it is good for the baby, I'll do just about anything.
So, I am learing how to count carbs and combine foods just the way they tell me to. I'm also testing my blood sugar 4 or more times a day. Ouch.
I'm just hoping for no insulin.
As of tomorrow, I will be no farther than 10 weeks away from having this baby. I'll be having the c-section on October 29th is not before, so maybe I should start buying the diapers I need and setting things up? just maybe?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I am getting so big. Have not gained as much weight as last time, which is good, but still feeling HUGE!!!
I guess we are getting there. But wow! How much more can this poor tummy stretch?
We went swimming at a local lake today. It was really nice. Getting some work done before I maybe take Henry to a lake this afternoon.
Have a great summer day!

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