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You are welcome, J. Penelope Power.
Baby blog about the quest for our little man.
I know. The experiment is over. Why post about it now? Well, I thought I would bring you up to speed.
So, I have not been posting. There has been a lot going on!
My Dr. Called this morning, and the preliminary results are that I have Hashimoto's Tyhrioditis.
I had a busy day- went on appointments, fixed the car, and did some necessary shopping. (We needed milk, bisquick, flour, some of my thyroid meds, cheerios, and some vitamins.) The total of the trip to Wally world was 46.95. I kept picking things up, and putting them back. It's amazing what I would have come home with (items on clearance I didn't need) if I wasn't really watching...
Dan and I saw this on TV last night while watching the BBC version of kitchen nightmares.
We're doing well. I am back from the biopsy, and glad it is over. It hurt much more this time, but they were also trying to get a lot of tissue for the pathology. The samples are going to the same hospital in Milwaukee my dad was in when he had cancer. Wierd.
So, I guess I usually don't post too much about my political views on here, but I would just like to say I am sure yesterday was a monumental day for more people than just me. My reasons are many. I'll explain.
How can I lose count already? I think it's five.
Blogger just erased. my. whole. post.
We were planning on going to the city for groceries, but after feeling tired, and wanting to save on gas and time, we decided I would venture alone to the local (but more expensive) grocery store.
We had a great time at the party on Saturday. I'll give you a run down of the whole day, and the expenses incurred: