Four years and counting...
Baby blog about the quest for our little man.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
The 4 month pics

He is so cute. I just couldn't wait to post these.
Okay, want to hear one funny story? We have a bathroom in our new house with glass blocks for a window in the bathroom. These blocks are in the shower itself, but we assumed that you could not see the person showering from outside. I had Dan check tonight...
YOU CAN SEE MY JUMBLIES FROM OUTSIDE!!! I have been giving everyone a show all along! Nice. (During the day you can't see anything, just at night.)
Wow, I hope that I didn't give anyone too much of a crazy show.
Have a good weekend...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
For Brian.
Hey big brother. How about this for a new format? I think the black was cool, but if this works better, I will leave it.
I got the new Charliane Harris book from the library (that was quick!) so I am excited to read it this weekend. I'm sure it will be good. I'll be sure not to post any spoilers here for those who want to read it. (This means you, Julie!)
We are really excited about this weekend. I'll get to see my boys, and I just can't wait! They are awesome.
Henry didn't feel like napping today, so he went down a little early. I hope he's not back to his 4:30 am wakup time. The 5:30 time has been dreamy, and I hope we can keep it rolling.
After going on my meds, I have decided to start counting points again on Tuesday. We'll have a smash bang weekend, and then I'll get back to points. I have to loose this baby weight. I know I only have 25 ppunds left to go, but it sure feels like more than that. I'll be glad if my medicine works, and I start loosing some weight. I'll try to post my progress when it happens.
Happy Thursday, and have a GREAT memorial day weekend everybody!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Amy? Dayum.
So, does anyone have an Amy Winehouse CD I can "borrow"? I can't believe the pipes on her. I have heard about her for years. Why didn't I listen to her sooner. WOW. I want to listen to her in the car and sing along. LOUD. So, like I said, anyone have this? If not, I am actually going to go out and buy a real CD of hers tomorrow. Anyone know whick one's the best? Greta, I know you love her- what would you buy?
I went and got my hair did today. It was nice, but I always feel guilty for spending the money. There is a girl I met locally who works at a salon here/ she wants to start doing my hair. I'm all for it. I'll have to call her and let her know it won't be for a couple weeks. (Too much processing=straw.) After that, I'm all in.
Thoughts? Comments?
We've got our little plan for the weekend, and we're going away along with the other 32 million people here.
Did you see the crazy rant between Rosie and Elisabeth on the view today? It's on Perez hilton if you missed it. I'm glad I don't have that job. Wouldn't you just love to punch someone sometimes?
OKEY DOKEY. Dan's almost home, so I had better get some stuff done here before he arrives.
More soon. M.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
100 Posts, hell to the yeah.
Just so you know, the little man ROLLED OVER today for the first time! Good job little Henry. I think he would have done it sooner, but he hates tummy time so much, I usually concentrate on him sitting. He flipped over in his crib. He just smiled at me after, like yeah, mommy, so what??? It was adorable. I made him do it again to be sure I wasn't just imagining it. (He did.)
Tomorrow is a big day. Glady is coming over, and I am going to the spa! I have some gift certificates to use at this spa, so I am getting a facial, and "getting my hair did." I can't wait. I need to take some time and look on the net tonight and see if there is anything I can do with my hair to make it cuter. I want to cut it into a new style, but I think Dan wants me to wait until Henry is past the hair holding stage. (he holds my hair like a security blanket.)
We've got a big weekend, too. I'll post about that later as it involves a surprise for one of our friends...could it be you? I don't think that particular person reads this blog, but just in case, mum's the word.
More soon.
P.S. Natalie, thanks for lunch! We heart you.
Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm Fine.
I got the diagnosis of Low Thyroid function, and have been on thyroid meds for about 3 days. I feel fine, and hopefully this will help.
Brain and Erin are coming this weekend, so we are REALLY looking forward to that.
Happy Friday!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I just watched freinds with money. (I checked it out of our library.) That was the most cynical lame ass movie ever. Really, why would you want to watch a movie that makes you feel worse about the world or humanity as entertainment? I feel like I need a valium after that!
I'll be cleaning the house tonight, and then I'm going to bake cookies for the bbq with Andie (one of my new friends) and some of my neighbors tomorrow night.
I have also been worried about a bump I found on my neck. It's in the front of my neck- thyroid, maybe? I am going to the doctor tomorrow morning to get it checked out. I'm not sure how the whole insurance thing is going to work out, but when you think you might have a growth or problem, you don't just sit and wait to see what happens, you know?
I'll let you know. Wish me luck.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
We rocked the Casbah on the sale Saturday! We sold out by about 11:30am. How great is that?
It was a nice sale, and we cleared out what we needed to.
We had a hard time putting the dry sink into the sale, and we finally decided to pull it out. We are going to make it a part of the front porch area. It will be nice to have it here.
I had a potluck at church today- it was fun to do that again. I made Grandma L's Lemon over lime cake. I think people liked it. (We only had two pieces left in the pan.)
We spent tonight cooking (I made rhubarb squares- yay for rhubarb in my yard!!!) and BBQ chicken in the crock pot. Dan worked on the yard, and now he's sleeping on the couch. (How cute is that?!)
Today, when I was feeding Henry, I was watching Anne of Green Gables on PBS. No offense to Anne, but I would have liked to watch just about anything else. We haveso few channels that ome in here! I may just need to break down and get cable or the dish. SERIOUSLY. I miss the girls next door and Dog the bounty hunter.
In other TV related news, my favorite show of all time has been cancelled. CANCELLED! Lorelai and Rori, say it isn't so. I e-mailed the network I am so pissed. In case you have not been readin for long, the show is THE GILMORE GIRLS.
I finished the book I have been reading For a few Demons More by Kim Harrison. It was good, though I still like the earlier books in the series more. I think there was more flowery language in this one/ less demon ass kicking. Charline Harris is coming out with the next Sookie Stackhouse book soon. (I just checked- it launched on May 1st. Julie, are you going to buy this book? If so, can I borrow it??)
Our eight year wedding anniversary is this week Tuesday.Eight Years! With my very first mother's day coming up this weekend, we have to figure out what we want to do to celebrate.
I'm sort of thinking Door County, but maybe we will explore somewhere around here instead.
Tuesday is my last day at my job/ Wednesday I start as a freelance employee. Wish me luck.
What a big week.
Love lots,
Friday, May 04, 2007
10 years
Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of my Dad's death. I don't think you ever really know how death will change you. I have gone through a lot with my family, especially my mom and my sister (I'm not placing blame, it's just a fact that we've been there). I feel like we have finally come through it, and we are a family again on the flip side of whatever that was. It's a nice feeling, but one that didn't happen overnight.
I really wanted to post a picture of my dad digitally, and I realize I don't have any. I think that's sad, but also a measure about how much things have changed in the past 10 years.
We are having the big Garage sale tomorrow with all of our furniture that will not fit into this house. We just don't have anywhere to store things, so they are going. The garage is the colon of our house, and it's time for a cleanse.
More soon.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Things are going really well here. We did have a small paintball incident (Prom- the little PAMFs wit our house and cars) but everything washed off so no biggie. We also hate our new credit union (We joined, and only after joining did they tell us, uhhm, we don't have an ATM, and you will be charged for every pin transaction over four per month. ) WHAT? Are you people living in the stone ages?
The people here are really nice, though. We have super nice neighbors, and we really like our church. There is a potluck there this weekend. LUTHERAN POTLUCK! SCORE!
We are having our big garage sale, and tonight will be spent going through boxes and choosing things to go. Wish me luck!
P.S. I bought an ERGO carrier after seeing it on my friend Monica's baby blog- it ROCKS! I carried Henry around for half the day. He loves it as much as I do. Now, I can sell my other two carriers in the garage sale. More on that later!
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