Four years and counting...
Baby blog about the quest for our little man.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I had a lovely post completed about Henry, and our laptop turned off. (My fault for not plugging it in) so I have to start over. Hrmm.
I was saying that Henry Rules! I love this kid.
Today, we are going to go to the store for the first time by ourselves. I am really looking forward to going out with this cute baby. I just hope no one tries to touch him. It's cold and flu season, people!
I am going to post some of the pictures of my little man here. I know it's been a while. It's surprising how fast the day goes when you are in a constant cycle of Nurse, burp, change, and nap... It's the best if I get in on a little bit of the napping part. This cutie is such a snuggle bunny! He's like a little heater. He's the best.
Ok, I will post the pictures and stop the mommie blissful rant.
I included the last picture of me pregnant, ab out five minutes before Henry was born. Yowza! Check out that tummy!
He really is amazing, though.
I'll post even more pictures in a second post.
Much love,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
All baby all the time
Henry is 11 days old. I catch myself looking at him and just bring amazed he is mine. How lucky am I that I get to be his mommy?
There is so much to tell. I'll try to run down everything since the birth.
After 28 hours of labor, I was a little disappoionted to have the c-section, but since he was so big, he would have had a hard time fitting through my birth canal.
On his second day, he was shaking, and anurse that saw him got very concerned. He earned a trip to the NICU, and Dan and I were immediately initaited as parents. I have never been more worried and inconsolable in my life. After a sleepless and tear filled night, and a million tests, they decided he was fine, and released him back to us. It was VERY SCARY.
The rest of the time in the hospital was recovering from the c-section, and just coming down off of the mountain from that emotional experience of thinking I might loose my perfect boy.
When we got home, the first night was a sleepless one. Henry had just been circumsized before we left the hospital, and he was not so happy. :) In total, Dan and I maybe had one hour of sleep all night. Maybe.
Since then, we have been pretty low key at home. The only times I have left the house were for dcotor's appointments for Henry, and one to get out my staples. (Ouch) My incision is looking pretty good, but all of the butterfly closures they put on have fallen off. I guess that they are not actually holding me together, but that was a little bit of a shocker. Since I left the hospital, I have lost 35 pounds! I still have another 30 to go, but the swelling is going away in my legs and my ankles and feet. (Thank GOD) and that accounts for probably 20 pounds of the weight I have lost. I will not miss the tight puffy feet and legs. Yikes!
Henry has been sleeping better each night sice he got home. Last night, this little prince slept trough his one am feeding, so I slept from 11pm until 4am!!! rapture! That was amazing. Way to go Henry!
Now I have seven weeks left to get to know this little man before I have to go back to work.
Watch your mailboxes! The announcements are ready to send!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Falso Laboro
Last night, I thought for sure I was going into labor. I started getting pains in my stomach, and I thought, YES!It's Finally here!! So I decided to take Sammy for a walk to get things moving. I walked him around the block (It's about a mile). It was kind of painful the whole time. I kept talking to the baby, saying things like, Mommy's ready! Let's get this moving! I can handle it! Come on Baby!
Then I got home, and the contractions went away. Nuts.
We were able to set up the Pack and Play last night for the bassinett. We put it together, and it is in its place next to the bed in our bedroom. With my breastfeeding, it will be nice to be able to just put the baby into it and go back to sleep. This way, we get the reduced SIDS risk of having the baby in the room, without the Co Sleeping risk of rolling onto the baby or covering the baby with a blanket accidentally. (There is so much to worry about with a new baby!)
I have a bunch of work stuff I am tying up right now to make sure we are all set for my time out. I'm so glad it is a finite amount of time now. It's been a long road from week 37 to here.
I'm still having contractions, but I believe these are more of the braxton hicks variety.
Come on baby! Let's go!
Monday, January 08, 2007
7 days!!!
So here is the lowdown from the doctor...
If I do not go into labor this week, I'll be induced on Monday the 15th.
I hope it's sooner!
More info soon.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Seat DRAMA!
We had a little bit of car seat drama due to Consumer Reports.
We had registered for this beautiful seat at a baby store, and our AWESOME friends bought it for us. IT's was gorgeous, black and white toile. I LOVED IT.
Consumer reports came out with an article about our seat, that it failed a bunch of safety tests, and was unsafe to use. (It scored an 18, where the recommended seats scored a 64 and 61 respectively.)
Here's the problem: we have heard from so many people that you can't wait to install your seats since they take time to install correctly, and you don't want to try to do it at the hospital! So, Dan put them into the car, recycled the boxes, and we were all ready to go. Then, this report comes out, and I don't feel safe putting the baby in the seat, but we don't have the boxes to return them. Dilemma!
I called the store, and Dan had the receipt, so they agreed to let us change the old seat for the one recommeded by the study.
This was such a relief! I was worried I would go into labor before we could make the change.
Dan doesn't want me to post the article, but if you search comsumer reports and infant car seat you will find it.
I'm going back to the Dr. tomorrow at 10am, so hopefully I will have some baby news. I'm hoping all of this pain I have been in this weekend is doing something...
I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Mopped the baby yet
I have a feeling it might be tonight or tomorrow!
I'm hoping things get moving before my Monday appointment so Dan can come with me.
Wouldn't that be nice?
He're's hoping for a baby. Come on little one. Let's get things rolling.
Nest, much?
I am a fury of energy cleaning the house. Dan is moving everything out of the way for me, and I am vaccuming up a storm. I needed to vaccum the mattress today. NEEDED TO. I'm tossing things, scrubbing things, and I am going to mop the kitchen floor later. Please understand I have not done any of this stuff for Months. Dan takes care of most of it! I just am in the mood, and if it brings on labor, all the better!!!
WE went to see night at the museum last night. It was really flat. A couple of chuckles, but not $18.50 worth. (Movies here are 9.25 now. Ouch!) We thought we would at least go to a movie in case the baby comes. We won't be able to for a while...
This afternoon, we are going to do some recreational shopping, and then I'll probably collapse. :)
I hope this works. Bring it on, baby! We're ready for you to be here!
Nest, much?
I am a fury of energy cleaning the house. Dan is moving everything out of the way for me, and I am vaccuming up a storm. I needed to vaccum the mattress today. NEEDED TO. I'm tossing things, scrubbing things, and I am going to mop the kitchen floor later. Please understand I have not done any of this stuff for Months. Dan takes care of most of it! I just am in the mood, and if it brings on labor, all the better!!!
WE went to see night at the museum last night. It was really flat. A couple of chuckles, but not $18.50 worth. (Movies here are 9.25 now. Ouch!) We thought we would at least go to a movie in case the baby comes. We won't be able to for a while...
This afternoon, we are going to do some recreational shopping, and then I'll probably collapse. :)
I hope this works. Bring it on, baby! We're ready for you to be here!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Loving the feedback!
Now that you have seen the belly in all its glory, I am getting the best feedback ever. Shouts of, "girl, you need to get that baby out" and "Damn girl you are going to have a litter" are echoing from every direction. Thank you, people. Now you see what the hell I have been bitching about. :)
I went to the DR today due to pain and contractions, but I am not inlabor. Just contractions. And pain.
More soon. I'm going to go and drown my sorrows in a piece of birthday cake and a glass of milk.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
This one's for the Trud-ster.
Ok sweetie! Thanks for the MESSAGE! I love that you are checking the blog, but no news yet. Since I know you are looking so often, I promise I will post a picture later today. Keep watching for it. :)
I'm going to start jumping around to get this baby to show up, I swear!
Still Prego.
Dan's birthday was yesterday- that was really nice. We didn't get to spend too much time together since he was working all day, but we did have a nice dinner together, and then I fell asleep on the couch next to him while he played his new Xbox game. (He likes it, and I was so tired, it was the only thing I could think to do!)
Very low key, but a nice birthday.
I am the same. Swollen, and having non productive contractions all of the time.
I hope this baby comes soon.
I need to post new belly pitures. My girth is getting comical.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
No baby yet...
We had a wonderful visit from Brian and Erin. Erin baked 15 dinners to freeze for us for after the baby is born! AMAZING. Thank you Erin!
I feel like things are happening in the baby department. I am sore in the correct places, so I hope my cervix is dialating! Come on honey! Only a few more centimeters, and I will get induced. Let's move it along!
Other than that, I'm just looking forward to my Doctor's appointment today, and hoping for some good news...
Wish me luck!
Marta :)
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