
I had a lovely post completed about Henry, and our laptop turned off. (My fault for not plugging it in) so I have to start over. Hrmm.
I was saying that Henry Rules! I love this kid.
Today, we are going to go to the store for the first time by ourselves. I am really looking forward to going out with this cute baby. I just hope no one tries to touch him. It's cold and flu season, people!
I am going to post some of the pictures of my little man here. I know it's been a while. It's surprising how fast the day goes when you are in a constant cycle of Nurse, burp, change, and nap... It's the best if I get in on a little bit of the napping part. This cutie is such a snuggle bunny! He's like a little heater. He's the best.
Ok, I will post the pictures and stop the mommie blissful rant.
I included the last picture of me pregnant, ab out five minutes before Henry was born. Yowza! Check out that tummy!
He really is amazing, though.
I'll post even more pictures in a second post.
Much love,
OH Marta He is lovely!!!! Thank you for posting more pics. Keep them coming!!
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