Four years and counting...: September 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

24 Hell to the yeah...

Well, my baby brother is hitched. Well done Rossie. You have now joined the ranks of the happily married. The wedding was very classy and nice in every way. Everyone got along, there was no family drama, and the ceremony and reception were beautiful.
At the reharsal, it was very funny for me to discover that the pastor performing the ceremony was a fellow camp counselor from Bible camp during college. Too funny.
We came home on Sunday, and since I was still sick from what I will call the VERY WORST sickness of 2006, the pregnancy cold, I was just BEAT. Amy and Scotty came back with us so they could fly out of Chicago, thus saving them big bucks on the tickets. Now I am just trying to get my house back into order. It always take a while to get things back into shope after company, however enjoyable.
On the pregnancy front, things are going well. My belly is surely getting bigger. Tonight we are due for the week 24 pho-to, so I will enlist Dan to be the photgorapher as soon as he gets home from work. This thing is hardly fitting into my pants anymore...I can't imagine what it will be like when I am actually close to delivering. On a side note, I would like the baby to stay in there and cook until he or she is good and ready to be in the outside world. That said, I am very happy as I belive 24 weeks is when I fetus is actually considered viable. From now on, if I had to deliver, I belive my baby would actually have a chance to survive. Stay in there little one, but that is really good news!
Dan has been busy working on the baby armoire. He routed a whole new support member for the front, and has put the first coat on it. It's a beautiful cream color. The accent inside of the doors will probably be a buttercream yellow color. I'll be sure to take pictures and post them as soon as it is done.
Pete and Kari are coming this weekend, and I am really looking forward to it. We are going to go to the King Tut exhibit if we can get tickets, and we are going to also put together the baby room. I'm really excited about the baby room portion of this plan! All of the baby's clothes and things are put away in drawers, and I am really excited to get them into the armoire and get them organized by size and gender. (What can I say? I am an organizational dork.)
Yay week 24. Go baby go!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

4 AM !!! This is just not right.

After waking up miserable last night, I went to my doctor for my scheduled 23 week check in. Happily, the baby looks just fine. Me, I am a freaking mess.
I caught some type of cold going around due to my lowered pregnancy immune system. Instead of lasting me the same 5 days as everyone else, in pregnancy, it lasts twice as long! They don't tell you that, do they???!!!
So, after lying in bed in pain for the past half hour wide awake, I came down here for some tea and to blog a bit. If I get a respite from the stuffy/plugged nose and pain in my ears to go back to dleep, I'm taking it, so this post will hopefully be short.
I forgot to ask the Dr. my measurement, but yesterday was the first time he took my fundal height. Pretty neat, huh? He said I was doing really well...
If I owe you an e-mail or a call, it's because I am not fully functioning at this time. Sorry! I promise I will call or write as soon as my ears and nasal passages are not waking me up all hours of the night.
By the way, the medicenes they allow you to have while pregnant are a total joke. I want REAL medicine!!! For now, I'll have to rely on the 4 doses of sudafed I am allowed in 24 hours. (Mine wore off that I took at midnight. It realy does only last 4 hours.) So, now I am counting on a full dose of Robitussin to get me back to sleepy land.
This is such a boring post!
I am going to try to get back to sleep. I don't want to be the only house with all my lights on anymore.
Love you, M.
P.S. I promise I will post a belly picture for week 24! You wan't believe the buddha!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mork Calling Orson...

The explanation for the picture is about 2/3 of the way through the post. Stick with me. I swear it's here...
It seems like forever since I have been on here. Some things are different, some are the same.
First, I am still working in my basement office and Freaking hot.I just plugged in a fan to blow on me, and already I am feeling the sweet relief! (The lights down here just heat it up like nobody's business. I liked it last winter, but I'm not so sure about this winter...)
The ultrasound was AMAZING. The baby boy or girl (we did not find out) was kicking me, and I could see it at the same time as feeling it. SO cool. Now, the kicks and movements are getting stronger. Yesterday afternoon I had this feeling that the baby was doing a flip inside my tummy. Can you imagine? I still have no motherly instinct if it is a boy or girl. I think maybe boy? Dan is solidly in the girl category. Votes anyone? My friends here are going to start a baby pool very soon.
I am also really starting to fill out my maternity gear. My trips to the bathroom are more frequent and urgent, and whatever I need, I need it NOW!
Thankfully, my biggest cravings are still for the almighty V-8 (small can please) and Mangos. Any other fruit will also do. Bring on the fruit, I've got a little monkey in here.
I posted the sonogram picture on Snapfish, but I can't figure out how to get it there to here. (I had to scan it, and I'm not sure I did so well.) If you want to see it, you have to e-mail me and ask. (Cruel, but I'm jonesing for some e-mail, man.)
Joanne, where are you? I called a bunch of times, but I quit leaving messages, lest you think I am stalking you. I'm not. Really.
Dan's family should be bringing the armoire this weekend for the baby's room. We had this antique armoire, and we are going to modify it to make it a baby armoire. Martha Stewart had the instructions on how to do it- it is very cool. Of couse, I posted the picture of what it will look like here, so you can all bask in the baby armoire glory. If you are interested, instructions are on her site.
Sammy has been very clingy ever since his last trip to the kennel. I just hate bringing him there. (even though the people there are very nice) It's like he has a puppy hangover.
The baby showers are coming up quickly. I'm really looking forward to them. We are also busy planning our baby-moon right now. We are thinking of either Door County or Chicago. Its meant to be close, but a getaway for both of us before our little monkey arrives. (That's the second time today I have called the baby a monkey. I should look for something better. Banana? Mango? Hot Pocket? I digress.)
I'll let you know what we come up with for the Baby moon- it's in the beginning of October.
Love to you, from baby and Mommy M.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Week 21 and a photograph

Today is the big day! I am gertting an ultrasound, and I can hardly control my excitement. At 6:30pm this evening, Dan and I will be in the hospital where I plan to give birth, seeing pictures of the baby in my stomach. Medical miracles. Holy kicking baby, batman!
I am not looking forward to the water I will have to drink and retain in my bladder up to and during the first part of the ultrasound, but it is a small price to pay for new black and white fizzy pictures of my large banana. (My baby books say that the baby is as big as a large banana right now. Hello large banana.)
This week is a HUGE workweek. I have to get through some uncomfortable meetings today, then the Vice President of the company is coming to spend the day with me tomorrow. Thursday involves a visit from my direct manager, and Friday hopefully I will have time for a scheduled collapse/meltdown. (I may have that day full as well. I'll let you know)
It's hot in my office. I need about a gallon of ice water. Be right back...
Ahh, 32 ounces of cool watery goodness are now at my fingertips. Let me take this opportunity to comment on the urgency of my needs as the pregnancy progresses. I don't have to do anything in the near future, it has to happen NOW. I need water now. I need food now. Anything I need, I need it NOW. Shocking, but true. I guess it's the hormones.
Kari was complimenting us on how much we are meant for eachother, and I got all teary thinking about how much I love my husband. In front of other people. Pregnancy hormones, welcome aboard. Glad you could join me for the trip.
I need to get to work planning my afternoon meetings.
Wish me luck. and hope for all good news at the ultrasound. I can't wait baby. We're coming to look at you!
Marta :)

Friday, September 01, 2006


I love these guys. If you haven't already, please enjoy the stylings of four nimble fellow Chicagoans doing their thing on Treadmills.
Love them.
I wish their shirts came in maternity sizes. I would be wearing one today.

Today bor day is labor day...

Welcome to the longs weekend! I won't be off of work for HOURS yet, but I can smell the vacation coming. SMELL IT, BABY!
Today was a pretty hard work related day made better by my manager. I love her. It is so awesome working for someone who believes in you and supports you. I am very thankful for that.
This weekend, we are going to the cabin with Brian, Erin, Erik, Ross, Emilie, and my dear sweet husband. Thank God for my family too. I think it should be Thanksgiving this weekend... We'll make it a mini-Thanksgiving. I will want to frolic in the river in my maternity bathing suit. Should be fun! Buddha, here we come...
We also get to see our lovely friends Pete and Kari this weekend, and we are going to reconnect with Matt and Trudi (It's been TOO long). I can't wait to see Mason as a 5 year old...
My office is in my basement, and it is flipping hot today. Outside is a balmy 74 degrees. Upstairs, a balmy 74 degrees. In the basement where we have can lights all over the place, it's LIKE THE SURFACE OF THE SUN. Seroiusly, I might start working with my pants off. I'm working with no pants on! (I still have pants on, but maybe not for long.) Just one of the benefits of being pregant with a home office...
After such a stressful morning, I might try to do some prenatal yoga to relax.
I am really looking forward to this weekend. I wish Dan was working the early shift so we could leave before tomorrow. Wishful thinking. Maybe they'll loose power!!! I can hope so!
Have a wonderful labor day weekend.
Marta :)

Pregnancy Tickers from