Four years and counting...: 4 AM !!! This is just not right.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

4 AM !!! This is just not right.

After waking up miserable last night, I went to my doctor for my scheduled 23 week check in. Happily, the baby looks just fine. Me, I am a freaking mess.
I caught some type of cold going around due to my lowered pregnancy immune system. Instead of lasting me the same 5 days as everyone else, in pregnancy, it lasts twice as long! They don't tell you that, do they???!!!
So, after lying in bed in pain for the past half hour wide awake, I came down here for some tea and to blog a bit. If I get a respite from the stuffy/plugged nose and pain in my ears to go back to dleep, I'm taking it, so this post will hopefully be short.
I forgot to ask the Dr. my measurement, but yesterday was the first time he took my fundal height. Pretty neat, huh? He said I was doing really well...
If I owe you an e-mail or a call, it's because I am not fully functioning at this time. Sorry! I promise I will call or write as soon as my ears and nasal passages are not waking me up all hours of the night.
By the way, the medicenes they allow you to have while pregnant are a total joke. I want REAL medicine!!! For now, I'll have to rely on the 4 doses of sudafed I am allowed in 24 hours. (Mine wore off that I took at midnight. It realy does only last 4 hours.) So, now I am counting on a full dose of Robitussin to get me back to sleepy land.
This is such a boring post!
I am going to try to get back to sleep. I don't want to be the only house with all my lights on anymore.
Love you, M.
P.S. I promise I will post a belly picture for week 24! You wan't believe the buddha!


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