Four years and counting...: Week 21 and a photograph

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Week 21 and a photograph

Today is the big day! I am gertting an ultrasound, and I can hardly control my excitement. At 6:30pm this evening, Dan and I will be in the hospital where I plan to give birth, seeing pictures of the baby in my stomach. Medical miracles. Holy kicking baby, batman!
I am not looking forward to the water I will have to drink and retain in my bladder up to and during the first part of the ultrasound, but it is a small price to pay for new black and white fizzy pictures of my large banana. (My baby books say that the baby is as big as a large banana right now. Hello large banana.)
This week is a HUGE workweek. I have to get through some uncomfortable meetings today, then the Vice President of the company is coming to spend the day with me tomorrow. Thursday involves a visit from my direct manager, and Friday hopefully I will have time for a scheduled collapse/meltdown. (I may have that day full as well. I'll let you know)
It's hot in my office. I need about a gallon of ice water. Be right back...
Ahh, 32 ounces of cool watery goodness are now at my fingertips. Let me take this opportunity to comment on the urgency of my needs as the pregnancy progresses. I don't have to do anything in the near future, it has to happen NOW. I need water now. I need food now. Anything I need, I need it NOW. Shocking, but true. I guess it's the hormones.
Kari was complimenting us on how much we are meant for eachother, and I got all teary thinking about how much I love my husband. In front of other people. Pregnancy hormones, welcome aboard. Glad you could join me for the trip.
I need to get to work planning my afternoon meetings.
Wish me luck. and hope for all good news at the ultrasound. I can't wait baby. We're coming to look at you!
Marta :)


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