Mork Calling Orson...

The explanation for the picture is about 2/3 of the way through the post. Stick with me. I swear it's here...
It seems like forever since I have been on here. Some things are different, some are the same.
First, I am still working in my basement office and Freaking hot.I just plugged in a fan to blow on me, and already I am feeling the sweet relief! (The lights down here just heat it up like nobody's business. I liked it last winter, but I'm not so sure about this winter...)
The ultrasound was AMAZING. The baby boy or girl (we did not find out) was kicking me, and I could see it at the same time as feeling it. SO cool. Now, the kicks and movements are getting stronger. Yesterday afternoon I had this feeling that the baby was doing a flip inside my tummy. Can you imagine? I still have no motherly instinct if it is a boy or girl. I think maybe boy? Dan is solidly in the girl category. Votes anyone? My friends here are going to start a baby pool very soon.
I am also really starting to fill out my maternity gear. My trips to the bathroom are more frequent and urgent, and whatever I need, I need it NOW!
Thankfully, my biggest cravings are still for the almighty V-8 (small can please) and Mangos. Any other fruit will also do. Bring on the fruit, I've got a little monkey in here.
I posted the sonogram picture on Snapfish, but I can't figure out how to get it there to here. (I had to scan it, and I'm not sure I did so well.) If you want to see it, you have to e-mail me and ask. (Cruel, but I'm jonesing for some e-mail, man.)
Joanne, where are you? I called a bunch of times, but I quit leaving messages, lest you think I am stalking you. I'm not. Really.
Dan's family should be bringing the armoire this weekend for the baby's room. We had this antique armoire, and we are going to modify it to make it a baby armoire. Martha Stewart had the instructions on how to do it- it is very cool. Of couse, I posted the picture of what it will look like here, so you can all bask in the baby armoire glory. If you are interested, instructions are on her site.
Sammy has been very clingy ever since his last trip to the kennel. I just hate bringing him there. (even though the people there are very nice) It's like he has a puppy hangover.
The baby showers are coming up quickly. I'm really looking forward to them. We are also busy planning our baby-moon right now. We are thinking of either Door County or Chicago. Its meant to be close, but a getaway for both of us before our little monkey arrives. (That's the second time today I have called the baby a monkey. I should look for something better. Banana? Mango? Hot Pocket? I digress.)
I'll let you know what we come up with for the Baby moon- it's in the beginning of October.
Love to you, from baby and Mommy M.
Hi Marta,
I craved fruit in my second trimester also. I honestly could not get enough of it! Thankfully it was summer and fruit season so I had my fill of it! The baby armoire is a great idea! I am sure it will be wonderful as you are so handy with those things. When Josiah and I got our ultrasound the baby was also kicking me and it was the coolest thing. I am so happy for you both and I am glad we can share this experience together.
Lots of love,
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