Four years and counting...: December 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays....

I think I am the only person posting. Everyone must be crazy busy with their Christmas tasks like I am.I am going to take pictures of all of my hand made gifts, and post them, but not until after Christmas so those who are a little nosy do not find out what they are getting. :)Last night was a whirlwind of activity. I worked on Christmas gifts, and I baked 20 mini and 3 full size banana breads for the employees at Dan's work, as well as made a 6 pound batch of sloppy joes for their pot luck today. WHEW! I'm tired.Off to craft some more befre the wee one wakes up, and then I have to clean the house for visitors this weekend. WHEEEE!I am excited. It will be very fun.Happy holidays to you and yours.M.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My REAL resolution?

One more thing. My New Years resolution? Reapply my lipgloss more often. It's harder than it sounds. :)

That family time of year...

It's the holidays. Big surprise to everyone, I know. I was just thinking about my childhood, and thought I would share what Christmas was like, then, and also what it is like now.
When I was a kid, the money was tight, but my parents really tried to make it special for us. We had some great traditions. We would always get a fresh Christmas tree, and decorate it together very close to Christmas. We each had a box of our own ornaments, and it was our responsibility to put them on the tree. I loved my Grover ornament (we each had one storeboght Sesame Street ornament) and I couldn't wait to hang it on the tree every year. I am smiling as I look at that ornament now, hanging on the tree in my house.
Christmas Eve was the main event in our house. We went to church, ate oyster stew together as a family, and opened presents together in front of the fire in our little parsonage living room. We took turns, and everyone watched each present as they were opened. It was quite an exciting event.
Afterwards, when everyone was getting ready for bed, I would sit in the living room and stare lovingly at the presents I received. It was usually one or two presents, and one of those life saver christmas books full of rolls of life savers. (Remember those?) I still remember running my hads over my barbies, so excited that they were actually mine.
Christmas Day was always travel to the Cities to see all of our cousins. That was nice too, but the magic happened on Christmas eve.
Now, we go to Wausau aevery year to spend time with my DH's family, and we go to church in the same church all of my childhood memories are in. I always feel so close to my dad when I am there. I have to work hard to keep it together singing the carols, and seeing all the same people I have seen every year as long as I can remember. Afterwards, we go to the house of of my childhood friend who dies to spend time with his family, and then we go back to my in laws house to get ready for Christmas and the presents the next day. For me, the magic is still on Christmas Eve. By the 25th, we're all getting together and opening presents, but the 24th is the real celebration for me.
I can't wait for Henry to go to church with me in less than a week, and hear the singing, see the candles lit, and be a part of who I am.
Merry Christmas everyone. :)
What are your traditions that make it Christmas for you?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am off to the Dr. again. I went in for my blood test (checking thyroid levels again) and the numbers are normal. WHAT??? I am tired all the time, I am breastfeeding almost exclusively, working out, and doing WW, and I have not lost any weight in the past four months. Uhhh, excuse me? I'd like some help here please.
I don't really like my local Dr. much. I will say, I'm sure she is a nice person, just her nurses are a pain in my duper and she won't listen to me. (read: as a Dr. she is crap.)
So, I got a referral to a specialist. I have some ideas of the drugs that could help (my boss has the same issues, so I talked to her about what drugs she is taking, and we'll start there.)
I have so many crafts I need to get started for Christmas. Do you want to hear about them? I don't think the people who I am making gifts for read this blog... If you are a member of Dan's family, you have been WARNED!! Here are some spoilers:
I am making lots of ornaments featuring our little cutie this year. Who doesn't love to commerate a baby's first Christmas? It's pretty cool. I have the first round done, and I just need to get the second round made. (If I can find the glass bulbs for cheap...)
I am also making themed presents for the boys and girls. Girls are getting a personal care type bag, and boys are getting a "fishing" kit.
Everybody is also getting home-made mixes for white chocolate brownies.
I also have this COOL pattern for something I want to sew for Julie, but I need to find the fabric first. I think she's going to love it... if I ever get over there to see her. :(
Mom is graduating this weekend, so that will be nice. The kids will all be together, except for Gretsky. We'll miss you, sweetie!
Gotta go to my meeting. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My poor puppy.

Sammy is a great dog. He has been loyal and trusting, and a loving pet.
That being said, I think this dog has lost hius marbles.
He asks to go out about 10 times per day (this from a dog that hardly ever went out his whole life.) And even after I let him out EVERY TIME, he had two accidents in the house yesterday.
He was at the kennel last weekend, so their food might have upset his stomach, but still!!! It was not a fun cleanup this morning. Thank God for Spot Shot.
He's getting groomed today, and hopefully the puppy pampering will put him in such a good mood, he will not want to poop inside anymore.
I hope this is not the beginning of the end for my sweet old puppy.

Monday, December 03, 2007


It's the big day. I stayed up to celebrate!
(Actually, I cleaned the house with Dan and now I am checking my e-mail and craft blogs before bed.)
I've been working on my home-made Christmas presents, and they are turning out well. I am excited about the prospect of making things I hope people will like, while hopping out of the main stream of consumer spending. Yay for saving the hard earned lettuce!
Tomorrow, I hope to craft for relaxation, and maybe go out shopping for make-up. (Swoon, my FAVORITE!)
I'll keep you updated.
Edit:it shows still the 3rd on here, but I assure you, it is one minute after midnight central time, and it is actually the 4th. :)

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