Four years and counting...: Again?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am off to the Dr. again. I went in for my blood test (checking thyroid levels again) and the numbers are normal. WHAT??? I am tired all the time, I am breastfeeding almost exclusively, working out, and doing WW, and I have not lost any weight in the past four months. Uhhh, excuse me? I'd like some help here please.
I don't really like my local Dr. much. I will say, I'm sure she is a nice person, just her nurses are a pain in my duper and she won't listen to me. (read: as a Dr. she is crap.)
So, I got a referral to a specialist. I have some ideas of the drugs that could help (my boss has the same issues, so I talked to her about what drugs she is taking, and we'll start there.)
I have so many crafts I need to get started for Christmas. Do you want to hear about them? I don't think the people who I am making gifts for read this blog... If you are a member of Dan's family, you have been WARNED!! Here are some spoilers:
I am making lots of ornaments featuring our little cutie this year. Who doesn't love to commerate a baby's first Christmas? It's pretty cool. I have the first round done, and I just need to get the second round made. (If I can find the glass bulbs for cheap...)
I am also making themed presents for the boys and girls. Girls are getting a personal care type bag, and boys are getting a "fishing" kit.
Everybody is also getting home-made mixes for white chocolate brownies.
I also have this COOL pattern for something I want to sew for Julie, but I need to find the fabric first. I think she's going to love it... if I ever get over there to see her. :(
Mom is graduating this weekend, so that will be nice. The kids will all be together, except for Gretsky. We'll miss you, sweetie!
Gotta go to my meeting. Wish me luck.


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