I just watched the Susie Orman Oprah episode where she puts the smackdown on America and tells everyone the 5 things we should do during this recession.
I think I am going to be taking a harder look at spending, and trying to save more. (Though I thought I already was, she makes some damn fine points about cutting back and saving HALF of the money that comes through your door.)
She also says this recession is going to last until about 2015. 2015??????
I got the book miserly moms from the library this week, and I think I am going to work on reading it, and taking notes. Here are some of the immediate things I am going to do to try to save more money:
1. Requote our auto insurance. I'm going to try to reduce it by a big chunk- hold on to your hats on that one...
2. No beauty salon trips for the next 6 months. I know, it's a long time, but My hair is only slightly darker than my natural color, and I should be able to ride this out until long after the baby is born.
3. No makeup purchases for 6 months. I have what I need, and I'm going to try to use it all up. Lotions and gels and such included. (Sorry, Bare Essentuals. Your stock just dropped by 5 points.)
4. Cut grocery expenses. This will just involve more home prep. I can do it- It will just take time.
5. Make more money. I just need to hustle more, work more, and sell more. Less leisure, more sweat.
6. Review incidental expenses, and get them down. It's true, I know we can cut more in this area.
7. Make sure we have enough for the 6-8 months of expenses in savings. We're doing ok, but we need to do more.
Wish me luck. I'm thankful for what we have. :)