Four years and counting...: July 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


There are many things I would like to say. I'd like to pour some of my emotions out onto the page here, but I don't think I can. Interpersonal relationships prevent me from expressing how I am really feeling.
If you are reading this, I'm sending you a big hug today. Send one back. I could use it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I just watched the Susie Orman Oprah episode where she puts the smackdown on America and tells everyone the 5 things we should do during this recession.
I think I am going to be taking a harder look at spending, and trying to save more. (Though I thought I already was, she makes some damn fine points about cutting back and saving HALF of the money that comes through your door.)
She also says this recession is going to last until about 2015. 2015??????
I got the book miserly moms from the library this week, and I think I am going to work on reading it, and taking notes. Here are some of the immediate things I am going to do to try to save more money:
1. Requote our auto insurance. I'm going to try to reduce it by a big chunk- hold on to your hats on that one...
2. No beauty salon trips for the next 6 months. I know, it's a long time, but My hair is only slightly darker than my natural color, and I should be able to ride this out until long after the baby is born.
3. No makeup purchases for 6 months. I have what I need, and I'm going to try to use it all up. Lotions and gels and such included. (Sorry, Bare Essentuals. Your stock just dropped by 5 points.)
4. Cut grocery expenses. This will just involve more home prep. I can do it- It will just take time.
5. Make more money. I just need to hustle more, work more, and sell more. Less leisure, more sweat.
6. Review incidental expenses, and get them down. It's true, I know we can cut more in this area.
7. Make sure we have enough for the 6-8 months of expenses in savings. We're doing ok, but we need to do more.
Wish me luck. I'm thankful for what we have. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ahhh, Monday.

Today was a really rough day. But stick with me here...
Henry hit me with his sippy cup on the bridge of my nose. I was teary eyed from the pain, and it kind of set the tone for the day. He was tired all day, and just did not want to listen.
After a nap, he did go outside and play nicely in the sprinkler and the pool. On the way into the house, he slipped and fell, hitting his head on the floor. (I was right there, but he went down fast...) I decided to call the Dr.'s office, just to be safe. He did not exhibit any concussion signs, but I followed their instructions and watched him very closely. I think he is going to be fine- he was a giggle all night long.
After a good bath (he has been fighting them lately) we had story time. I read to him every night before bed. He was silly and funny and wonderful, and we laughed together. He's so funny. We were reading a great book that is full of vacation vocabulary words. every night, he points to the pictures and tells me what the items are. Tonight, he would point to every picture and say "socks"!!! (And laugh and laugh and laugh.)
We were both cuddling and laughing- it was a really great end to a bit of a challenging day.
Man, I love that kid.
XO, baby.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Night under the stars

We were so busy for the past two weeks- with Dan working every day and my trying to keep up with life- that we spent the weekend relaxing. We went to Bay Beach with Dan's parents. That was an amazing day (broken fish tank and pooptastrophe aaside.)
Then yesterday, we stayed home and let Henry catch up on a nap. At the end of the day, we wanted to celebrate, so we went to the drive in movies.
It was wonderful- we all took a hay wagon ride with quarterhorses, ate ice cream, and sat under the starts watching two movies. (Henry fell asleep about 15 minutes into Ice Age- the first movie.) I held him in my arms under a blanket, and we cuddled under the stars. I had such a big smile on my face! It was lovely.
We also saw X-men- Wolverine, and then came home at 1:15am. Henry slept until the ripe old time of 5:45 am, so I am writing this with one eye open, and looking forward to the coffee fairy.
Dan's back to work today, but Henry and I have one last day of fun together.
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Happy birthday, USA. You look pretty good for being born in 1776.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Need Coffee.

Henry was up at 5:45 this morning. As Dan has worked about 60 hours since Saturday, I let him sleep and am up with the little man. He's eating cereal and chillaxing on the couch.
Poor little man had a hard day yesterday. He has a mosquito bite that went from a golf ball size welt to an entire swollen forehead. On top of that, he developed the worst diaper rash while we were outside last night. He can hardly walk he is so uncomfortable. I'll be using entire tubes of desitin to hopefully make it better today. (I have the tubes on standby.)
It looks like Dan may actually have two days off this weekend, but I'll believe it when I see it. Poor guy! I can't believe he has worked so much in the past two weeks. I hope this is over soon.
My coffee is done brewing. Going in for the mocha this morning...mmmmmmm.....

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Too much to tell and so little time. Let's try bulletpoints, shall we?
*Dan is working All. The. Time.
*I am really tired/ worn out today. I think 10 naps might not be enough.
*I would really like to craft or sew. (no time)
*I would really like to clean the house. (no time)
*I would like to do something fun with Henry so he does not think summer is lame or boring.
*I have lots of work to do.

Welcome to July. I hope I get a day off.

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