Not Again.
Henry had another seizure last night. this was his second, and I'm freaking out.
He was fine all day- we were in Wausau for some appointments, and came back home for a nap (for Henry) dinner, and a nice walk.
At the end of his walk, I was nitocing he seemed a little droopy, so I felt his head, and it seemed a little hot. We were in the heat, so I brought him inside, stripped him down to his onesie, and hung out with him on the couch. He was not cooling off, but I did not have the thermometer inside, and I wanted to check his temp before giving him the meds.
When Dan got home, he brough in the thermometer, and his temp was 101.8. High, but not as high as last time. I gave him Motrin, and about 90 minutes later, I gave him Tylenol. At about 11:45, he started seizing again.
I grabbed him, Dan grabbed his shoes, and we were out the door. I didn't even put him into his car seat- he was still seizing. By the time we got to the hospital, he was done, and unresponsive. He had oxygen, and when they tried to give him an IV, he woke up and started screaming.
Today, we took him to the Doctor, and they think the culprit was strp throat.
I think he's going to be ok, but I am a WRECK.