Four years and counting...: June 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Not Again.

Henry had another seizure last night. this was his second, and I'm freaking out.
He was fine all day- we were in Wausau for some appointments, and came back home for a nap (for Henry) dinner, and a nice walk.
At the end of his walk, I was nitocing he seemed a little droopy, so I felt his head, and it seemed a little hot. We were in the heat, so I brought him inside, stripped him down to his onesie, and hung out with him on the couch. He was not cooling off, but I did not have the thermometer inside, and I wanted to check his temp before giving him the meds.
When Dan got home, he brough in the thermometer, and his temp was 101.8. High, but not as high as last time. I gave him Motrin, and about 90 minutes later, I gave him Tylenol. At about 11:45, he started seizing again.
I grabbed him, Dan grabbed his shoes, and we were out the door. I didn't even put him into his car seat- he was still seizing. By the time we got to the hospital, he was done, and unresponsive. He had oxygen, and when they tried to give him an IV, he woke up and started screaming.
Today, we took him to the Doctor, and they think the culprit was strp throat.
I think he's going to be ok, but I am a WRECK.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh, yeah...

I did clean the fridge, the pantry, and the freezer.
That was a lot for one weekend. It was more work than it sounds like.
I'm tired, and procrastinating. I have work to do!!!

Again with the FOTC

I love these guys.

and especially this:

So Damn funny.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


It has been quite a while. Hello out there!
This weekend, we are going to stick around home and clean. On the top of my list are the freezer and pantry. THEY ARE MESSY! Not for long! We'll probably have to do some basket shopping for the pantry, but since organization is one of my favorite things, I don't really mind!
Other than that, We'll be around.
Hope you have a GREAT weekend.
P.S. Henry got bit by a mosquito in the forehead, and his whole eye swelled shut again. I swear the kid is allergic to mosquitoes! Let me know if you have any remedies for this problem...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Ebola is mostly gone...

Since my last post, Henry got Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. He has horrible blisters all over his mouth and welts on his hip and a rash over his arms and legs. It was pretty awful, and I'm glad he is feeling better. Only three more days on yet one more round of amoxicillin. Yuck.
We are going to be going to St. Germain in Northern WI for the golf outing for the charity I work with. I am really excited to help. and I know it will be a great day. I don't know what we are doing for Fathers day yet, but I hope it will be exactly what Dan wants. (I have not been able to nail what that be yet, but hopefully he'll give me a hint before Sunday.)
I have been working most mornings, and during the afternoons while Henry is sleeping. It's been a lot, but I think it is very good. I'll be glad when some of these projects start coming in.
I had a grea visit with Jen. It was fun to reconnect, and it was great to spend a day in door county. We had a great time.
I'm still working through the details of the summer, but it's amazing how fast it goes, isn't it? We obly have two or three weekends that are not scheduled. How did that happen?
Over the last two days, we also had all of the windows on the whoole house replaced. It was a big process, but being able to open and close the windows whenever we like is REALLY AWESOME.
No more news now.
I hope everyone is doing well!!!

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