It's like some big switch was flipped, and now it is fall. It's the dreamy time between hot and cold, when your furnace is not necessary, and you can just look out the window at the chilly rain.
I'm excited about the change of seasons this year. Maybe it's the though of getting to start fresh every season with a new set of clothes and expectations, but I don't even mind the cold rain. I'm looking forward to the first fire in the pellet stove.
I'm working hard on the flylady ideas, and they are working well. I have a cleaner house, and I'm trying to pamper myself as often as I can, just because I deserve it.
Henry is 20 months old tomorrow. It's hard to believe! What a little man. He's playing all of the time, and he is so funny. He has such a sense of humor, that one. We had a playdate with two other mommies and little boys yesterday at the childrens museum, and we had a blast. It made me want to get a big bin with macaroni in it for him to play in, as well as a broom. I'll put them on my list of things to buy when I can find them dirt cheap.
Happy season change, everyone.