Four years and counting...: The Lowdown...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Lowdown...

Well, mostly good news from the appointment today. I am fine, and the baby seems to be fine, too. I am measuring large in my fundal height. What is that, you might ask? Here it is: (from

Fundus is the medical term for the upper portion of the uterus between the fallopian tubes. Fundal height is measured using a tape measure and measuring from the top of your pubic bone to the top of your fundus. Fundal height is measured in centimeters and should closely match your baby's gestational age. So, for example, if you're 24 weeks pregnant, your fundal height should be 24 centimeters

Well, as you all know, I am 26 weeks pregnant. I am measuring between 29cm and 30cm. This puts me into the measuring large category. I guess it can be a pre-indicator of gestational diabetes, and it can also indicate that the baby is going to be large. I could also be measuing large because the baby is in Breech position (Or it was four weeks ago) and that can give you a fundal height measurement that is larger than it should be. So, it could be something. Or, it could be nothing. There, I'm glad I cleared that up for everyone.

If I am still measuring large at my appointment in two weeks, I will get a doctor sanctioned extra ultrasound. I don't like needing one medically, but it will be nice to see that beasutiful baby again and get some pictures for the fridge. :)

I'll try to post again to get those babymoon pics up. I swear, they are coming!


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