
I can't believe how long it has been since my last post. Thank you the true and faithful readers who have stuck with me through the days of writing famine. I salute you!
Dan has been working the early shift. It's so early (He's up by 3:45). I can't hack it. It's just nuts. (Mind you, I have been getting up at 4:30 almost every day since Henry was born, but he lets me go back to sleep!) Anyway, I have adopted this wierd stay up late and get stuff done mode. I stay up, clean the kitchen, make up Dan's lunch for the next day (by choice, I would not want to make my lunch at 3:45 am!) and get ready for bed by 1am. It's not enough sleep, and I don't see Dan as much as I would like to. I CAN"T WAIT for him to be back to his regular shift. At least then we are waking and sleeping at the same times. Bring on the second shift!!!
I am very excited about our big date tomorrow. We were talking about how much we love movies, but we have not been to one since last summer or early fall. With my bedrest and frequent trips to the bathroom, I could not handle them. Then Dear sweet H-Dawg came along, and I have not been without him ever since. I don't want to be away from Henry, but would like to share a move with my husband. Answer? DRIVE IN!!!
I looked it up online, and there is a new drive in movie theatre about 20 minutes from our house! Can you believe it? We arre going to see the Pirates of the Carribean movie, as well as the new Pixar Ratatouille. (Is that how it is spelled? It's french...I should know.)
I will be able to spend the evening with both my boys, and I can't wait!
I have lots of work stuff to get done tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to get it done quickly.
Here are some pics to tide you over with your Henry fix. He's almost 6 months old! I am almost starting to get the baby jones again. TOO SOON! But they are so cute! He's cute now, too. He has his two teeth. He is biting some (OUCH!), but I want to keep nursing, so I'll see how he does with that. He is also saying DADADADA. Of course. Sass Pants. The pictures are with a Red Sox Jersey to represent the Boston roots from my job, and his sweet Aunt Erin and Uncle Brian.
Must be off to bed. Love and Kisses, M.
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