Four years and counting...: Henry and me, the calm before the storm

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Henry and me, the calm before the storm

We are in whirling Dirvish of activity before we close on the house. Within the next day and a half, I have to finish packing everything I can, get our stuff ready, and go to our new city for the closing. After that, we will come back, pack up and clean, and move once and for all. Personally, I just can't wait for it to be done. I will miss all of my friends here so much! But, at this point, I just need to get it over with. It's like, once the decision is made, you just want to move on with it. Do you ever feel like that?
Henry has started to use his hands more than ever before. He's putting thigns in his hands, and putting them into his mouth. He's never done this before. I saw it for the first time yesterday. I tried to take a picture for Dan, but by the time I had the camera out, he had moved on to other things. :)
I am not sleeping much. I am trying to get everything done, and end up in bed at about 1 or 2 am. Henry is up between 6 and 7, and as you can see, so is mommy. I need to work, so I can't nap. I am pooped!
It looks like I am going to be closing up all of the business here. My company is being really good to me, and I love them for that! I appreciate everything they have done for me over the last 10 years, and I am sad to leave. I know this is the right thing for our family, though.
I thought of a whole slew of things I wanted to blog about while I was packing, and now I have no idea what they are. Man!
I'll blog again later when my brain turns back on.


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